Room-lessOh man.. school is starting in a few days and I am still room-less... OOooooOOoo.. SHIT! I need a room.. How how how??? Should I move over to either my auntie or my gong gong house to stay?? Argh.. My auntie is naggy and my gong gong house seems like a bird park cum pet shop selling fishes.. Oh man.. what should I do??? If I really have to choose, which one should I choose.. Oh man.. OoooOOoo..
Memories from the PastA week ago, my mum was unpacking her stuff and she found these old photos.. So I took my cam to take a photo of these pictures.. The quality is lousy but its still pretty.. =)

Crystal and I...

Hahhaha.. Younger days... =) So funny...

Thats me and my daddy.. Hehehe.. I think this is a really nice photo..

The tiny me between 2 giants..

1990--- That would be 4 years old.. Hahaha..
Busy Pottering..Mr Er gave me a surprise present on the 21st of July.. Told me he wanted to go to the toilet and so I went too.. He then use the
Foo network to One- Page bookshop. Once there, he put on his
invisible coat and secretly grabbed 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'.. and stuff it into his
trunk.. Suddenly, he appeared beside me.. I think he
Disapparated from One Page Bookshop to beside me... We then went to giant to buy some snacks to sneak into the cinema. All of a sudden, I heard him mutter "
Accio Potter" (
summoning charm) and out came Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" hehehe.. Started reading the book this morning and I am half way through already.. **Big smile.. =)
Korea friend in Singapore...Not long after sending the French Guy away, a korean ger came.. hehehe.. DURI!!! Met up with her and Ruu today.. And we headed to vivo for shopping.. So many things on offer.. and I wanted to grab and buy everything!!! But no money!!! So sad... so so so sad... :( Only bought a dress from forever 21 that cost $48... I saw a shade at River Island that is so so nice that cost $40 plus.. Shoes from River Island... Tops from Topshop.. and saw a bling bling cap from some shop upstairs.. Ahhh.. I wan to spluge.. Heheh..
After shopping, we went to Thai Express for dinner at like 9 plus.. Treated Duri to the meal... Cost like 38 bucks in total.. Had squid, tom yam, pha tai, mango juice and white rice.. It was yummy yummy and Duri love it too... but the tom yam was too spicy for her.. (**and me too..) after eating, we went back to Ruu house.. we were suppose to go to her place to change and hit the club but Duri was too tired.. She claimed she was dying.. Hahhaha... So it was home sweet home...
Simponise Me!!!
Hehe... So how do I look being yellow??? Hehehe.. Look like me or not... =)
Here's the link for other bored people like me... -->
Estimated ticket prices for F1

Corporate ticket sales will begin on 28 November, while public ticket sales will start in mid-December. Responding to Channel NewsAsia, Singapore GP, which controls 100 percent of the hospitality rights, said the cheapest ticket is likely to be around S$50 for the trial races. During the actual race day, tickets will cost around S$100. And for the exclusive paddock area, tickets will cost a whopping S$6,000 to S$7,000 each. There could even be an outdoor party, similar to a mini Zouk-Out, within the circuit park. Some 80,000 to 90,000 people are expected to get a taste of the F1 action in Singapore.
taken from
Eat a steak, warm the planetPARIS : A kilogramme of beef causes more greenhouse-gas and other pollution than driving for three hours while leaving all the lights on back home, according to a Japanese study.
taken from
Michael Jackson to pay US$250,000 unpaid lawyer fees: court
The eccentric music legend, who is struggling to rebuild his career following his acquittal for child molestation charges in 2005, must pay US$216,837 in fees and US$39,177 in interest, documents show.
taken from
Grocery Shopping with Ah MaWent to WhiteSands NTUC this afternoon for grocery shopping with Ah Ma.. She claimed that the market near us does not have much things to buy and she needed NTUC. It has been years since I last went out with her... Could see that she is really happy and that her movement and strength wasnt as fast and strong as last time.. Felt kinda of sad about this.. But happy that I went out with her.. She seem happy too.. Thinking about it now, all of us have grown up and no one no longer follow her out anymore.. Hai.. Oh well.. Hai...
Maybe if there is some Jack Neo movie coming out on cinema I could bring her there someday with Mr Er...
Taken from
Coming back is only the beginningHave been back in Singapore for 20 days.. Thought that coming back would mark the end of my NZ.. However, I realised it wasnt.. Returning was only the beginning.. Adapting back is another thing.. Nothing could go back as it exactly was 5 mths ago before I left for NZ.. I m trying but r u?? All u only say is ''maybe I am use to the 5 mths being alone..''
CampingWent camping at Pasir Ris Park last evening.. Till this morni.. The day before yesterday, we went to PS to get our tent and lamp.. Hehehe.. Camping was fun although we didnt talk much but it was still a nice feeling...
He said the reason for him being quite was coz he was missing his Seconday School days..

Seeing Singapore as a TouristLazy to type.. So no words.. Hahaha.. In short, A French guy I got to know in NZ during my South Island Trip came to Singapore.. So me and Ruu brought him around..
**Ok shall edit and add in some words.. =)

Luge~ing... The luge was nothing compared to that in Queenstown (New Zealand)..